Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Unknown Dairy Intolerance & Craving Carbohydrates

Who would have guessed….it was milk all along. Those that know me well…know that I love my dairy. I could go through 2 gallons of skim milk a week by myself.  In cereal, in cooking, by the huge glassful….milk was consumed in quantity. And why not? It was “healthy”…we needed our calcium; cheese was always a good snack and was good in topping….almost anything. I never experienced any symptoms that would indicate intolerance of dairy. No stomach cramps, bloating, gas. I never would have guessed anything of the sort. And then I participated in a month long vegan challenge with my fiancĂ©. I wanted to show him that his “year-round” allergy symptoms were probably a dairy intolerance.

A few weeks in and he had to admit that his “allergies” were much better. He didn’t have the daily nasal drip that ended up causing a stuffy nose and sore throat. And then I had to admit that I felt different as well. For the 2nd time in my life, I no longer had hour to hour food cravings. These were no ordinary food cravings. These were a lifetime of going to the fridge or pantry every hour to find something to snack on (usually a carb.) They were so normal to me that I did not think that it was odd or a symptom of anything else really. The only other time that I didn’t snack constantly when I was taking medicine that affected my serotonin levels. I realized the same lack of snacking then and eventually deduced that my body is craving serotonin when I’m carb craving and that the medicine stopped that. I didn’t think to ask why my body wanted more serotonin…just that it was. I was able to lose weight back then….while taking the medicine…because I wasn’t constantly feeling the need to snack. Weight eventually came back on.

And now back to dairy. What about not eating dairy caused me to stop feeling the need to snack? Dairy is supposed to be helpful for those that need extra serotonin because of the amount of tryptophan in it.

The day after our challenge we went to a birthday cookout and had brats, cake and ice cream. The next 2 days were full of me constantly circling to the fridge to see what I could snack on as well as a multi day headache. It was really a light bulb moment.  There had to be some connection between dairy and my constant food craving. I used to annoy my mother as a child when I would ask about dinner shortly after lunch was consumed. I was always thinking about my next food option…even as a child.

I started researching online and finally came across numerous articles and pieces of information that indicated that a mild form of lactose intolerance can cause low serotonin for some people because the undigested lactose interferes with the metabolism of tryptophan. It then listed the top 5 symptoms for low serotonin: carb craving, depression, and increased sensitivity to pain, troubled sleep patterns and blood vessel dilation that leads to migraines.  I have had all 5 symptoms most of my adult life. Wow.

There it was.  A reason….a culprit…an answer.

Not one I expected...not one I wanted...but now a piece of knowledge that will guide my future eating, dieting and health. We are now trying to eat mostly dairy free. We will splurge occasionally for holidays and special occasions and know we will feel a little crappy for a few days but we will mostly eat dairy free from now on. Quite a new adventure that I wasn't expecting.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Link to my other blog

I seem to post more on my other blog...I like the web address better. Please feel free to follow me over there for more recipes and most recently...the start of my 21 day vegan challenge. It should be a doozy :)


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Lemon Chicken

Lemon Chicken


4 chicken breasts cut into bite size pieces
coconut or olive oil
1/4 cup minced onion
3 cloves garlic; minced (cut and let to sit for at least 10 minutes)
1/4 cup white wine/sherry
juice of 2 lemons
rind of 2 lemons
1 t rosemary (crushed)
2 t thyme (crushed)
2 T butter
1 t salt
1 t black pepper
1 t sugar
1 t cornstarch

Sprinkle chicken pieces with salt (or salt substitute) & pepper and then saute in hot pan with 1-2 T coconut oil (or olive oil) until golden brown. Take chicken out of pan and put into a large casserole dish until sauce is ready.

Empty pan of drippings and melt butter in pan. Add onion and garlic and saute until golden and soft. Add white wine/sherry, butter, lemon juice, rind, salt, pepper, rosemary, thyme and sugar. Bring to a low boil and simmer for two minutes. During this time put cornstarch in small glass bowl and combine with 2 T cold water until mixed. Add to sauce and allow to simmer and thicken for another minute. Add sauce to chicken in casserole and toss to cover chicken completely in the sauce. Can eat immediately or keep warm in 300 degree oven.

Awesome served over mashed potatoes.

Monday, March 21, 2011

New Challenges (limiting fast food, red meat and dairy)

I have never made a serious, specific resolution for New Year's before. Considering I'm turning 36 this year...that is pretty amazing to me. This year I resolved to avoid fast food for the entire year. I define fast food as mostly pre-made burger places. I have been known to visit Mc"unheathly" more than three times a week in the past so this is a big deal. I allow for Arby's or Subway and if I want a burger....I can make it myself or go to a nicer sit down place. I have successfully avoided any fast food for the past 11 weeks :)

Also...Josh and I have agreed to avoid red meat for 40 days. These 40 days correlate to Lent but this is not for religious reasons. Again... I have my own stipulations for this. Because finances are tight..we are allowed to eat any red meat that we had already purchased. And, no, we did not go out on a beef purchase binge ahead of time :) We just had some ground beef in the fridge and some bologna for Josh's lunches. This is a big deal considering I love my red meat and I love having steak...especially on my birthday...and this year... I can't. BUT we will be going out for a nice steak dinner after the 40 days :) I think overall this will help us limit our red meat intake in future which is good for our health and the environment.

It's a nice change and a good way to try more vegetarian meals. We are trying to do Meatless Mondays as well, but we've forgotten a few of them until we are ready to eat our chicken dinner :(

Our next challenge will be to go one month free of dairy. This will be extremely difficult. I LOVE my dairy. I could drink 2 gallons of skim milk a week by myself. Cheese is a food staple in this house. However, I think Josh may be sensitive to dairy and this will be a good way to show him that he may feel better if he avoids or limits his intake. We have already tried some chocolate almond milk and it was decent so now we'll have to find some non-dairy subs for cheese to try.

I have also begun to go on long dog walks. I love to walk but have had difficulty doing this due to meralgia parasthetica. That is a pinched nerve in my hip/thigh area that is aggravated by walking/standing. It has been literally a pain in my side for 11 years and during the 13 miles I have walked in the past 5 has not bothered me. I am flabbergasted!! Only thing that has changed is that I've been unemployed for a year and thus not wearing dress shoes daily, not wearing possibly tighter dress clothes and not sitting at an office desk all day. I hope the lack of pain continues but am a little confused as to why not working has affected me in that positive way :-/

Oh well...I'll take positive when I can get it. All this walking...and not much movement on the scale yet :( but I know sometimes that happens. It's only been 5 days.