Monday, August 2, 2010

30 day push

Thirty days left of this virtual biggest loser challenge. The past 4 days have been horrible when it comes to being healthy. Couldn't get rid of a headache with OTC meds so I added some soda..and that ended up getting me to buy and finish a 12 pack of Dr. Pepper in that short time frame. On top of desserts and fried food, donuts and everything else it seemed like...

I have had heartburn the last 3 days after not having ANY for the past 2 months. Excess carbs/fats/sugars (especially after cutting back) will give it to me, especially now that I have my gallbladder out. So...starting now... no more soda for the month...continue on with the "no fast food" goal AND get to the gym three times each week.

The gym has been my weak that is my big challenge/goal for this week. Three times this week!! Hopefully more...anyone else need to get to the gym this week?

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