Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Could have been worse...

New boyfriend's birthday this past week (did I just officially call him that?!) and we got to enjoy a staycation for it. Spent a day at Worlds of Fun (our area's amusement park.) And besides rollar coasters....what else is there to do at a theme park to do...but EAT?!!!

I think we did rather well considering. Ended up with a big turkey leg instead of a greasy cheeseburger and fries... but after drinking water all day long in the 90 degree heat.... I needed some sugar energy so I had a bottle of Dr. Pepper. I did eat 1/3 of a funnel cake as well but considering ALL the tasty temptations....I think I did OK. And we did end up walking/standing/riding for 9 full hours. I was beat by the end.

I had a goal of having one meal with soda a week this month... and for numerous reasons....I had 4 meals with soda over the past 13 days...so NO MORE SODA this month.

So... soda, theme park food, a few birthday dinners, no gym time and a belated 4th of July celebration... I was not expecting good things from scale. A 2 lb gain is not a good thing...but it could have been much worse.

My mother's birthday is today so there will be one more tasty dinner with her this week and we are going to fondue..so cheese and chocolate are a given. I'm ok with this. I am making better choices and I don't do well with the all or nothing diet routine. Take each day... make better choices and get more active. Its not gonna win me a contest..but it will get me healthier.

We stopped at natural grocery store over the weekend where they were giving out samples of a "green drink". I have read about these and have considered trying them but it just seemed like it would be so nasty. Well.. this one was powder and added to apple juice...and I was pleasantly surprised. I know its not as good as blending up a green smoothie every day but I dont do well with keeping alot of veggies around that can spoil. I'll have to look more into it.

Goals for this week:
-4 lb loss... I want to get down to the next 10 pound range!!
-No soda
-180 minutes of exercise (never had a timed goal really)

Now time to get off my ass and do some of it!!


  1. Those are great goals! I have slid back into the diet soda routine and I need to cut it back out. I always feel better when I'm not drinking soda; I don't know why I keep going back to it!

    Good luck breaking into the next 10 pound range. You can do it!

  2. WOO HOO! New boyfriend? HOW exciting!

    Plus, what a great way to get some exercise in. ;)

  3. Giving up soda is tough...I think they must lace it with crack ;) Those are awesome goals, keep it up!

  4. I didnt drink soda for all of June...so it was tough to begin with but much easier now. Homemade lowfat cafe mocha helped when I was having a big soda/caffeine need. I had some in early July after 40 some days and the Dr. Pepper tasted SO sweet... GOOD...but almost too sweet. It was a nice change. I know its definately an easy calorie filled thing that I don't need.

  5. i think we should allow ourselves a gain every now and then. it could make us extra happy lol i think no soda is a great idea although i have been tempted NUMEROUS times

  6. I have an award waiting for you at my blog. :)


