Thursday, June 3, 2010

Finally made it to the gym...

I am really proud of myself today. I was tired as all hell but I made it to the gym. Of wasnt' until I was 2 hours away froma date...but I made it to the gym...and new boy understood why I ended up being 30 minutes late. I haven't been to the gym more than three times in when I finally had the motivation to go ...I had to take it.

Why did I go?.....because I didnt want to blog tonight and AGAIN say...that I didnt make it to the gym... "maybe tomorrow." So yippee for me and yippee for spark... it does work!! :)

45 minutes on the elliptical machine...and I didnt die. In fact... I felt really good after. During was another thing...but after.... I felt energetic and encouraged to order healthy food on my date. I asked the waiter for a recommendation and then asked if they had the calorie counts. Ruby Tuesday used to list nutrition counts on the I knew they had it somewhere... just wasnt on the menu any longer. And guess what we did after dinner?!

We went for a mile long walk in the city park!! Like I said...I'm proud of myself. And no caffeine/sugar withdrawal today. Hopefully tomorrow will go as well :)

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