Tuesday, June 29, 2010

2 pounds out of thin air....

Besides working in the garden on Sunday and taking the dog for a 2 mile walk last night...I was not active last week. I did not eat that great, however, still no fast food or soda and I am watching what I eat to degree... so after a bleh week.. I lost 2 pounds. Woohoo!! That gets me to 11 lbs for the month. A good average for me in the past was 10 lbs per month so I'm right on track. I would love to lose 35 lbs by the end of this challenge on August 31. I will feel SO much better and have a whole other wardrobe to wear when I really buckle down to find a new job this September.

Did your weigh-in surprise you this week?


  1. Yes, my weigh in surprised me....I did well all week...and then on Sunday....ate hot wings..(which I have not had in eons!) so I was shocked when I weighed in that I had lost -- only 1/2 lb this week...but, it was still a loss...thought I would of gained...

  2. awesome job!! i have kind of gotten excited about this whole weightloss thing so i tend to weigh myself every night so it is no surprise. but it is still fun and exciting
